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  1. Michelle Hogue

    Hogue Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Indigenous Studies ​Schools of Thought, ...

  2. Kaylan Schwarz

    Schwarz Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science School of Liberal Education Lethbridge ...

  3. Program-AS-BSC-BASC-Combined-1

    This program also requires If you are taking it as a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts & ...

  4. Anne Dymond

    Centre for Culture and Community Member CCC, Profesor of Art History Anne ...

  5. Craig Coburn

    Coburn Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Geography and Environment Remote sensing science, ...

  6. Amir Akbary-Majdabadno

    Akbary-Majdabadno Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Mathematics and Computer Science ...

  7. Claudia Gonzalez

    Gonzalez Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Kinesiology Lethbridge Cognitive ...

  8. Fangfang Li

    Li Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Psychology Lethbridge Child speech development, speech ...

  9. Hadi Kharaghani

    Kharaghani Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Mathematics and Computer Science Lethbridge ...

  10. Natalie de Bruin Nutley

    de Bruin Nutley Instructor Faculty of Arts & Science Kinesiology and Physical Education ...