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  1. Javid Sadr

    Sadr Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Psychology Object and person perspective, ...

  2. Stavroula Malla

    Malla Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Economics Economics of innovation, ...

  3. Adam Carter

    Carter Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science English ​Literary Theory; Critical Theory ...

  4. Jon Doan

    Doan Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Kinesiology and Physical Education ...

  5. Daya Gaur

    Gaur Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Computer Science Design and analysis of ...

  6. Richard Delisle

    Delisle Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Liberal Education Darwinism, The history ...

  7. Bryson Brown

    Brown Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Philosophy French Philosophical logic, ...

  8. Maureen Hawkins

    Hawkins Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science English Modern & contemporary drama, ...

  9. Kurt Klein

    Klein Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Economics Economics of agricultural production, ...

  10. Dave Morris

    Morris Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Mathematics Algebraic properties of infinite groups ...