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  1. Stephanie Kerr

    Kerr Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Political Science Lethbridge Multi-level governance, ...

  2. Yllias Chali

    Chali Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Mathematics and Computer Science Lethbridge ...

  3. Greg MacArthur

    MacArthur Instructor Faculty of Arts & Science Drama Lethbridge Contemporary playwriting ...

  4. Chad Povey

    Povey Instructor Faculty of Arts & Science Physics and Astronomy Lethbridge Molecular ...

  5. Program-SB-BMGT-GROUP3

    This program also requires If you are applying to Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Management, one ...

  6. Department of Modern Languages

    Academic Faculty Faculty of Arts and Science Complete May, 2021 to May, 2024 Department of Modern ...

  7. May 2018

    Daan Smit April 30, 2019 Student (Education) Shelby Quinn-Ost April 30, 2019 Student (Fine Arts) Vacant ... the Deans of Arts & Science and Fine Arts to look at some internal ways of moving forward. M. ... (Nominated by Students' Union) [8] Section 25 & GFC Bylaws – (GFC Appoints) Student (Arts and ...

  8. December 2018

    Motion: Carried Faculty of Fine Arts – Jackie Rice MOTION: gfc.2018.12.10 Rice/Black General Faculties ... pending ministerial approval. Motion: Carried Faculty of Fine Arts – Jackie Rice MOTION: gfc.2018.12.15 ... Coordinating Committee Report 2 for implementation May 1, 2019. Motion: Carried Faculty of Arts and Science ...

  9. prentice_institute_review_closing_memo_2019.pdf

    A research advisory board would help elevate the profile of the Prentice Institute and provide institutional ... activities contingent on additional revenue. The Dean of Arts and Science should approve the financial plan. ... submitted to the Dean of Arts and Science. The Director should be held accountable for ensuring spending is application/pdf attached to:Prentice Institute

  10. University of Lethbridge highlights for the week of February 8 to 13

    parts of the world. Contact: Fine Arts, The Economics Club Seminar Series — Dr. ...