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  1. First Nations Literature

    to the Inuit people. Inuit Mythology Storytelling: The Art of Knowledge Description: This site ... Metis-Cree, Abenaki, Inuvialuit, and Nisga'a. Learn how the skillful art of storytelling is passed down ... from one generation to another by chosen, recognized or hereditary storytellers. Storytelling: The Art ...

  2. Chataya Holy Singer

    Chataya Holy Singer Recipient of the Student of Art Endowment   Award       Biography Chataya Holy ... her strength to carry on the traditional way of life, supported by her art, and surviving through ... blood memory.   Click on each image below to see full details.     Back to the Art Student Awards 2022 ...

  3. A&S Faculty & Staff Resources

    Faculty of Arts & Science. If you are looking for information on the programs offered by the Faculty, ... please go to Academic Programs and choose the program of interest to you. Arts & Science Faculty ... & Schedules Arts & Science Council Meetings (2017/2019) Forms Professional Activities Report ...

  4. Penny Gallery

    performance and/or interactions with the public are an integral part of the fine arts, and to that end, the ... as laboratory space for student, faculty research and creative activity within all fine arts ... disciplines. This multi-use space serves users within the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Lethbridge, ...

  5. Short Stories

    Telling Tales: Exploring Short Stories and Story Structure Through the Language Arts English 10-1 ... Structure Through the Language Arts [pdf] Websites Short Stories @ East of the Web Description: A collection ...

  6. Committees

    Arts & Science Personnel Committees ARTS & SCIENCE PERSONNEL COMMITTEES July 1, 2023 - ...

  7. About the Provost's Office

    Canvas, U of L Art Collection About the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) As the senior ...

  8. Last Lecture- Adam Letourneau, QC

    Business Law, The Art of Negotiation, and Employment and Labour Law. He is also the Managing Partner of ...

  9. Recreation

    Art Gallery 601 3rd Avenue South 403 327 8770 ADMISSION General $5 Student/Senior $4 Children under 12 ...

  10. Welcome to Lethbridge

    is a place where ideas grow and enjoys a flourishing arts scene and active social scene. In ... opportunities in the areas of education, recreation as well as arts and culture you'll find that Lethbridge ... Valley) and allow for thick urban forests of poplar, elm and birch to grow.   Arts, Culture, & ...