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  1. How To Apply

    Aboriginal Studies 20 Biology 20 Chemistry 20 One Fine Arts course: Art 30 or Art 31 Dance 35 Drama 30 Choral ... or their equivalents: English Language Arts 20-1 or English Language Arts 30-2 Any three of: ... Enrolment in the ISSC is limited. Students may be contacted by the Admissions Office or the Faculty of Arts ...

  2. Academic Dress

    Education: light blue braid Bachelor of Fine Arts: brown braid Bachelor of Music: pink braid Bachelor of ... Specific degrees are distinguished by the colour of braid on the lining: Bachelor of Arts: white braid ... Bachelor of Arts & Science: white and gold braid Bachelor of Science: golden yellow braid Bachelor of ...

  3. WCD&WP 2016

    your personal brand in the context of modern digital career profiling. The event is being organized by ... photograph for your online profile!   Schedule (all events held in the SU Ballroom):   8:45 AM – Introduction ...

  4. University of Lethbridge to celebrate student medal winners at 2019 Spring Convocation

    a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Education in Drama Education. She shared her talents by directing and ... school. Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal – Arik Autumn Read (Ceremony III) Read embraces and exemplifies ... the fine arts and academic life. An active member of several student organizations, he also actively ...

  5. Celebrating University of Lethbridge medal winners from 2022 Spring Convocation

    a multi-age classroom to meet the needs of all students. Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal — Samantha Newton ... needs of all students. Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal — Samantha Newton Acknowledged five times on the ... Academic Medals Faculty of Arts & Science Gold Medal (Arts) — Monica Lockett A sociology student, ...

  6. University of Lethbridge celebrates Spring 2016 Convocation medal winners

    community, achieving the highest academic standing in the Faculty of Education. Faculty of Fine Arts Gold ... graduating with a Bachelor of Science (Neuroscience). Faculty of Arts & Science Gold Medal (Science) ...

  7. University of Lethbridge medal winners to be recognized at Spring 2023 Convocation

    identify and meet the needs of all of her students.  Read more Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal — Hana ... identify and meet the needs of all of her students. Read more Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal — Hana Hubley ... Academic Medals Faculty of Arts & Science Gold Medal (Arts) — Amy Cran (Ceremony II) An anthropology ...

  8. Why Study Academic Writing?

    Management, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, or Education. Effective reading, writing, and reasoning skills, we ... asked to read and write in different ways than students studying business or fine art or kinesiology or ... requirements for Fine Arts and Humanities programming within the General Liberal Education Requirement or GLER. ...

  9. Why study academic writing?

    Management, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, or Education. Effective reading, writing, and reasoning skills, we ... asked to read and write in different ways than students studying business or fine art or kinesiology or ... requirements for Fine Arts and Humanities programming within the Liberal Education List Requirement.  Many ...

  10. Employer Internship Information

    A unique aspect of the U of L Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in New Media is the integration of all the ... fine arts with new media technology. Exploring creative abilities in a wide range of artistic media ... or your own job description form. The information is posted on the Hire a Fine Arts Student page, and ...