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  1. Indigenous Initiatives

    Indigenous Education Faculty of Fine Arts: Bachelor of Fine Arts major in Native American Art (Art ... History/Museum Studies) Faculty of Fine Arts: Bachelor of Fine Arts major in Native American Art (Art Studio) ... Faculty of Arts and Science:  Bachelor of Arts major in Indigenous Studies Faculty of Arts and Science: ...

  2. B.F.A./B.Mgt.

    The combined Bachelor of Fine Arts- New Media/Bachelor of Management (B.F.A./B.Mgt.) degree ... degree expands your options and bridges the gap between the fine arts and management disciplines, which ... limited seats in Fine Arts, combines new media, film and video production, art, drama and music with ...

  3. Independent Studies Policy

    Registration Form (available from the Fine Arts Advising office, W660). The proposal and form must be received ... in the Fine Arts Advising Office by the add/drop deadline. Updated: December 2015   Pick up your ... Independent Study Package from the Fine Arts Advising Office (W660) ...

  4. Tuition & Fees

    Fine Arts Access Fee 3 $13.94 Current Total $4,714.76 Additional Costs Textbooks and Supplies 4 $250.00 ... is due when accepting the EAP Program Offer of Admission. 3 Fine Arts Access Fee is only assessed ... all ticketed Fine Arts events on a first come-first serve basis. 4 Textbooks and supplies are ...

  5. French/Spanish

    Faculty of Arts & Science, Dhillon School of Business, Faculty of Fine Arts, and Faculty of Health ... Bachelor of Arts (French/Spanish) Bachelor of Arts and Science (French/Spanish) Bachelor of Arts ... Agent Web Designer Useful Resources   Alberta Learning Information Service Occupational Profiles ...

  6. Governor General’s Gold Medal and Medal of Merit for Graduate Studies

    F. Arts & Science Master of Fine Arts TBD Nominations submission to F. Fine Arts Master of Music ... TBD Nominations submission to F. Fine Arts Master of Nursing TBD Nominations submission to F. Health ... Deadline Nomination links below are specific to the program: Master of Arts TBD Nominations submission to ...

  7. Leadership Interviews

    (Education) Desmond Rochfort, Dean (Fine Arts) Christopher Hosgood, Dean (Health Sciences) Robert Ellis, Dean ... Dean (Arts & Science) Rene Barendregt, Associate Dean (Arts & Science) Craig Loewen, Dean ...

  8. University Booking Contact Information

    AB) 403-915-6497 Coutts Centre Fine Arts Spaces & Technology 403-329-2126 ... University Centre for the Arts) 403-329-2727 SEARS Room Booking Coutts Centre (Nanton, ... Gushul Residences (Blairmore, AB) 403-329-2126 Gushul Residences Penny Building (Boardrooms) ...

  9. Graduate Education and Research

    education programs and research profile across all faculties along themes of culture, society, environment, ... of the link between research and undergraduate liberal arts programs. Yet another approach would be ...

  10. A Place to Shine

    master's degrees in arts (humanities and social sciences), fine arts, music, sciences, management, ... K-12 classrooms and balance theory with practice. Our digital audio arts major, the most comprehensive ... experiences in audio engineering, music production and the sonic arts. The addictions counselling program is ...