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  1. Victoria Baster

    Faculty of Fine Arts Instructor Victoria Baster ... 403-329-2798 Art Now, architecture Faculty W818 Department(s) Art ...

  2. Test Directory

    Kevin Orr (View profile) System Support Office: TH354 Phone: (403) 329-5157 Email: ... Scott Powell (View profile) System Support Office: TH352 Phone: (403) 329-5157 Email: ...

  3. University Theatres

    operating under the Faculty of Fine Arts. These spaces include the University Theatre, University Recital ... work or through work experience.   See Fine Arts Events Parking & Access University Theatre ... University Theatres Buy tickets The theatres at ULethbridge oversee all performing arts spaces, ...

  4. Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Steven Mosimann (View profile) Faculty Office: EP1276 Phone: (403) 329-2283 Email: ... Marc Roussel (View profile) Faculty Office: E862 Phone: (403) 329-2326 Email: ... James Thomas (View profile) Faculty (Biochem Coord) Office: D886 Phone: (403) 329-2467 Email: ...

  5. Connection to Community

    Provide and welcome the public to restaurants, pubs, a high profile art gallery, accessible performing ... arts facilities and events, sporting events, bookstore and other retail, etc. Implication for Master ...

  6. Forms

    Review applications and forms required as part of your educational experience. Fine Arts Advisors ... program. Location: W660 Contact a Fine Arts Advisor Visiting Student Authorization To take a course from ... Arts require both an Independent Study form as well as the Fine Arts Independent Study Proposal form. ...

  7. Literary Publishing Projects

    component is determined by the validated profile created in the portal.   Your application will not be ... eligible if your organization does not pay fees or royalties according to standards of the arts practice ...   Emma Dering $30,000 External Wednesday, May 4, 2022 Thursday, April 28, 2022 Awards Social Science Fine ...

  8. Social Media Accounts

    Health Sciences Twitter Faculty of Fine Arts Facebook Twitter Faculty of Education Twitter Calgary Campus ... Instagram Faculty of Arts & Science Twitter Facebook Dhillon School of Business Facebook Faculty of ... Facebook Twitter Instagram University of Lethbridge Art Gallery Facebook Twitter Pronghorn Athletics ...

  9. Jess Colley

    Bachelor of Fine Arts in May 2020. Her practise seeks to intimately and intuitively describe the world she ... Jess Colley Senior Studio     Jess Colley is a fifth-year Art Studio student who will obtain her ... a variety of materials, such as paint and graphite.         Back to Art Open Studio Catalogue ...

  10. Academic Quality Assurance Committee

    Committee are: Alan Siaroff (Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Science)-- Chair Nicole Eva, Associate ... University Librarian Emma Scott (Library) Lynn Kennedy (History, Faculty of Arts and Science) Craig Coburn ... (Geography, Faculty of Arts and Science) Danny Balderson (Faculty of Education) Kevin McGeough (Geography ...