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  1. Maria Riviere

    Maria Riviere Recipient of:  Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award in Fine Arts Medalta ... Ceramic Residency Award       Artist Statement My art is a reflection about life; it encompasses concepts ... below to see full details.     Back to the Art Student Awards 2022 Catalogue ...

  2. Graduate Program Committees and Academic Areas of Oversight

    Master of Counselling Master of Education Doctor of Philosophy (Education) Graduate Programs in Fine Arts ... Committee The Dean of Fine Arts will forward to the Dean of Graduate Studies a list of nominees to fill the ... Faculty of Fine Arts Dean or designate Four departmental representatives who are jointly a member of the ...

  3. Anthony Onwordi

    Anthony Onwordi Recipient of the Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic  A ward in Fine Arts ... storytelling. It is the final form of art.   The two images above are a peek into a series titled  Emotional ...   Back to the Art Student Awards 2022 Catalogue ...

  4. ULethbridge Film Series

    Sponsored by the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts & The Movie Mill What is the ... the art form. Please join us twice a month at the Movie Mill as we explore together the parameters of ... appreciation and understanding of cinema as an art form via conversations with informed scholars and ...

  5. Volunteer

    There are opportunities to volunteer within the Faculty of Fine Arts and in the community ... Office (Level 5 Centre for the Arts) to usher for all Faculty of Fine Arts ticketed productions or ... is an opportunity for a current student to host a prospective student interested their Fine Arts ...

  6. Dan Irete | Anthropology

    out there. Also, it’s okay if you run out of breath walking up the Fine Arts stairs, we all do.” ...

  7. English for Academic Purposes Award Recipient: Man Fei Wong

    essay writing skills. I decided to study English because I would like to enter the Fine Arts program at the ...

  8. Step 5: Conditional Admission

    Information for Applicants to programs offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts Applicants who are offered ... conditional admission to programs offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts can find additional instructions and ... Arts (Performance major) (complete an audition and interview) ...

  9. New Graduate Student Checklist

    Centre. Discover the fine arts events taking place on campus and off Fine arts events Many fine arts ... others debate in Ottawa. Some have hosted speakers and sponsored conferences; some have presented art ... the Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Gathering Centre in W650 (University Hall/Centre for the Arts). For more ...

  10. Deans Emeriti

    Awny F. Cassis (Faculty of Arts and Science) Robert Cook (Faculty of Fine Arts) Bhagwan Dua ... Green (Faculty of Education) Vondis Miller (Faculty of Fine Arts) Eric Mokosch (Faculty of Education) ... Una Ridley (School of Health Sciences) Chesley Skinner (Faculty of Fine Arts) ...