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  1. Supplemental Services

    Supplemental Services Services that Facilities can provide with departmental expertise, but which ... maintenance tasks. The Student's Union Building Agreement Physical Education Building Facilities ... Centre and Centre for Sport and Wellness [PDF] See University Facilities Use and Rental Policy ...

  2. Booking the Field Station

    Booking the Field Station All users must be responsible for facility operation and cleaning up ... after themselves during their stay on site. This facility is not a hotel. Before requesting usage of the ... booked by contacting the WFS Core Facility Manager: Maurice Needham (email:; ...

  3. NMR Web Pages

    NANUC Canadian National Ultrahigh-field NMR Facility for Solids Michaelis Group Wasylishen Group ... Facility Griffin Group Vega Group Ad Bax group Pine's Group B. H. Meier Group H. W. Spiess M.H. Levitt ... Department, NMR Facilities, University of Toronto Basic NMR Integrated Spectral database System of Organic ...

  4. The Magnetic Resonance (MR) Facitlity at the University of Lethbridge

    The University of Lethbridge Magnetic Resonance Facility has just received two substantial grants ... to renew and expand our facility. This includes the award of a $250,000 NSERC RTI grant to upgrade ... channel HFXY narrow bore 700 MHz spectrometer! The Magnetic Resonance (MR) Facility at the University of ...

  5. Symposium Program

    * Details of this program are subject to change and will be updated as the event approaches* ...

  6. Symposium Program

      * Details of this program are subject to change and will be updated as the event approaches* ...

  7. Lindsay Kramers | Kinesiology

    trying different types of classes, going to different social events, volunteering, joining clubs and ...

  8. Niall Larney | English

    THINKER. DEBATER. OPTIMIST. “Don’t be afraid to go to events happening at the university! It’s so ...

  9. Graphic Literature and Comics

    designed for middle/high school. Comics in the Classroom Graphic Literature as a Mirror for Current Events ... a Mirror for Current Events Review of Graphic Novels for Teens Description: A very useful site for manga, ...

  10. Information for Presenters

    note: this event is not mandatory. Deadline for submissions is the last Sunday before the Symposium. ... room flowing). Let us know if you want to be a facilitator!   This event is intended as a sharing and ...