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  1. 2008-2017 Capital Plan

    2008-2017_Capital_Plan_Dec_20-07_0.pdf 2005 – 2015 University of Lethbridge 2008 – 2017 Capital Plan (Revised March 4, 2008) University ... Projects......................................................................................18 3.10 Facilities Performance ... for Residences.................. 34 Appendix I – 2005-06 Facilities Performance Indicators ...

  2. Members and Expertise

    C-CRAFT team in October 2015 Founding members of C-CRAFT ...

  3. Members and Expertise

        C-CRAFT team in October 2015           Founding members of C-CRAFT ...

  4. Digital Cinema Suite Usage Policy

    the Digital Cinema Suite (W402A, W402B, W402C). These facilities are for post-production including ... audio and video editing, visual effects, colour correction and finishing. The facility is reserved for ... an authorized faculty member. Updated: January 2015 Booking To book the suite users must be added to ...

  5. Community Member Safety

    damage to property or facilities is minimized.   Members of the public may have various reasons for ... attending campus and must be aware of the following: Access: When attending service facilities such as the ... University Health Centre, Rebound Health Centre, U3T, Horns Recreation events, etc., follow any directions ...

  6. Korea

    Check back for new event announcements. You may also email for more ... information on upcoming events.    ...

  7. June 2013

    Mahon. 5. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 5.1.Surveillance of Public Areas Policy- Revisions MOTION: opn.2013.06.03 ... • Alumni Honour Society Event and Ring Ceremony – They were both wonderful events. Congratulations were ... those who could attend and be on the platform. He also attended a wonderful event put on by B. Turner, ...

  8. WCD&WP 2013

    and 14th, 2013, a two day event. On Feb. 7th, Dr. Adriana Predoi-Cross led a seminar on academic ... event was fully catered by Sudexo. Registration for this event is closed. An agenda for the event can be ...

  9. Visiting Artists, Scholars, and Professionals

    these activities or attend as a student. Fine Arts Event Season Page Find information about upcoming ... events, programs for concerts and mainstage productions, behind-the-scenes stories, and more! Explore the ... site Event Calendar Check the schedule regularly throughout the academic year for events open to the ...

  10. Project Timeline- Past | Present | Future

    2013-2015 November 2013 Educational Consulting Services Corp. conducts study of university ... timetabling and scheduling practices. 2015 Academic Timetable Working Group formed. 2015 Institutional ... Infosilem attends campus, meet with representatives of RO, CGC, Facilities, I.T., and Dean’s Offices. 2017 ...