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  1. Executive Officer

    events with various parties connected with the Prentice Institute including but not limited to the ...

  2. We’ll be home for ‘Christmas,’ however it’s celebrated

    results in major cultural events such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter being interpreted and enjoyed ...

  3. Pinay on the Prairies

    The book was officially launched Saturday at an event at the U of L’s Penny Building. “This book is, ...

  4. U of L sociologist looks at Muslims in Canada in light of terrorist attacks by Muslim converts

    Abdie Kazemipur will examine the integration of Canadian Muslims in light of recent events like the ...

  5. Centre for the Study of Scholarly Communication

    Open Access Week events every October University of Lethbridge Institutional Repository •   developing ...

  6. University of Lethbridge Alumni Association announces its 2016 award winners

    sponsored events, and working with Faculty’s external stakeholders. His genuine interest in using U of ... First hired as special events coordinator in 2008, she worked her way through a variety of positions to ... successful Management Co-Op Program, overseeing fundraising and sponsored events, and working with Faculty’s ...

  7. Fairbanks, Bert

    important events, and family gatherings, reading a special story, writing special cards. bidding up the rook ...

  8. Clark, John

    reflect back over the events of his life and conclude that he had lived life the way he wanted to; he ...

  9. Budget Process (last updated December 17, 2017)

    surpluses. Annual operating surpluses are generally not on-going since they are the result of events or ...

  10. Budget Process (last updated December 17, 2017)

    surpluses. Annual operating surpluses are generally not on-going since they are the result of events or ...