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  1. Apooyak’ii, Dr. Tiffany Prete presents The Kainai Stolen Children Era at this week’s PUBlic Professor Series talk

    Kainai Stolen Children Era.  The free event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge ... Apooyak’ii, Dr. Tiffany Prete, will present The Kainai Stolen Children Era. The free event runs from 7 to ...

  2. PUBlic Professor Series talk delves into the mysteries of the Universe

    PUBlic Professor Series.  The free event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge ... event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge and is open to the public. In this ...

  3. Advisory — University of Lethbridge opening doors for jungle-themed Play Day

    work to heart, offering the biggest play event in southern Alberta for more than a decade. WHAT: Play ... studied the benefits of play and ULethbridge has taken that work to heart, offering the biggest play event ...

  4. PUBlic Professor Series examines the long and uneasy history between Ukraine and Russia

    professor, Dr. Chris Burton, will present Identity and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. The free event runs ... the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. The free event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman Signature ...

  5. Advisory — University of Lethbridge to become first post-secondary to sign as supporter of Buffalo Treaty

    event. Learn more about the Buffalo Treaty at ULethbridge will also welcome special ... may do so at the event. Learn more about the Buffalo Treaty at ULethbridge will ...

  6. Advisory — University of Lethbridge to become first post-secondary to sign as supporter of Buffalo Treaty

    event. Learn more about the Buffalo Treaty at ULethbridge will also welcome special ... may do so at the event. Learn more about the Buffalo Treaty at ULethbridge will ...

  7. There will be poetry — PUBlic Professor Series concludes by examining the goals of literary study

    professor, Dr. David Hobbs, will present  What Do We Do.  The free event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman ... English professor, Dr. David Hobbs, will present What Do We Do. The free event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. at ...

  8. Advisory — City of Lethbridge Community Lab/Prentice Institute Showcase of partnership and applied studies projects

    heritage management. This event will present and celebrate this work and the growing relationship between ... district history, and heritage management. This event will present and celebrate this work and the growing ...

  9. Sony Research Award Program

    submission confirmation email, there is a link to resubmit your proposal in the event that you discover that ... identical proposals.  Also, please do not submit "test" submissions. In the rare event that you do ...

  10. Advisory — University of Lethbridge hosting Iniskim Future Students Day

    activities, the event will introduce potential future Indigenous post-secondary students to all the ... post-secondary education and provide pathways to success. With a full day of activities, the event will introduce ...