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  1. Study shows Battle River clam populations in drastic decline

    Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Freshwater mussels in Alberta spend their lives out of sight but a Finnish ...  immediate  release  —  July  28,  2015     Study  shows  Battle  River  clam  populations  in  drastic ...

  2. U of L researchers benefit from Canada Foundation for Innovation funding

    Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Projects that involve the quest for new cancer-fighting drugs, the ...     For  immediate  release  —  July  29,  2015     U  of  L  researchers  benefit  from  Canada ...

  3. Cancer-fighting properties of the buffalo bean being investigated by U of L research team

    Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Biology professor and cancer researcher Dr. Roy Golsteyn may have found the ... anti-cancer properties.docx       For  immediate  release  —  June  2,  2015     Cancer-­‐fighting  properties ...

  4. Researcher receives grant to support her research in Institute for Child and Youth Studies

    Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Dr. Erin Spring, a post-doctoral fellow with the University of Lethbridge’s ...  immediate  release  —  Tuesday,  May  12,  2015     Researcher  receives  grant  to  support  her  research ...

  5. American neuroscientist to spend fall semester at U of L through Fulbright Canada and the Palix Foundation

    Thursday, October 1, 2015 A new partnership between Fulbright Canada and the Palix Foundation’s ...     For  immediate  release  —  October  1,  2015     American  neuroscientist  to  spend  fall  semester ...

  6. University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College collaborate to further enhance agricultural programming in southern Alberta

    Friday, November 6, 2015 The University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College signed a memorandum ... AlbertaNov0615.pdf Microsoft Word- UofL-LC-MOU-Final.docx For Immediate Release — Friday, November 6, 2015 University ...

  7. U of L researcher to investigate tinnitus through funding from Alberta Innovates Health Solutions

    Monday, March 9, 2015 Dr. Michael Kyweriga, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Majid Mohajerani’s lab at ... Health SolutionsMar0915.docx For immediate release — March 9, 2015 U of L researcher to investigate ...

  8. University of Lethbridge establishes first therapeutic recreation degree program in Alberta

    Thursday, February 26, 2015 The University of Lethbridge’s Faculty of Health Sciences is unveiling ... in AlbertaFeb2615.docx For Immediate Release — Thursday, February 26, 2015 University of Lethbridge ...

  9. U of L student honoured with national award for inorganic chemistry research

    Knott has been named the outstanding recipient of the 2015 Award for Undergraduate Research in Inorganic ... of the 2015 Award for Undergraduate Research in Inorganic Chemistry (AURIC), signifying that his ...

  10. Wind testing plays role in design of Destination Project’s proposed Science and Academic Building

    performance.” In October 2015, Guelph, Ontario-based RWDI Consulting Engineers & Scientists was enlisted to ... on every aspect of its design, including how wind will affect its performance.” In October 2015 ...