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  1. Destination Exploration celebrating Science Odyssey with free, unplugged STEM learning activities

    activities across the country from Saturday, May 1 to Sunday, May 16, 2021. Events range from science in the ... scientists and engineers, special exhibits at museums and science centers, scientific events at community ... fun and engaging activities across the country from Saturday, May 1 to Sunday, May 16, 2021. Events ...

  2. Alzheimer's Association | Clinician Scientist Fellowship to Promote Diversity

    November 12, 2021 Research Salary Events Travel Health Faculty Postdoc ...

  3. Cancer Research Society | Operating Grants Competition

    Research Events Travel Trainee Equipment Health Faculty ...

  4. Elementary Sample Template 1 (MS Word)

    April Special Events ELA (Include GLOs) Overarching Themes/Units, plus Reading: Guided/Independent ...

  5. Elementary Sample Template 1 (PDF)

    Month Jan Feb March April Special Events ELA (Include GLOs) Overarching Themes/Units, plus Reading: ...

  6. Elementary Sample Template 2 (PDF)

    Month Jan Feb March April Special Events ELA (Include GLOs) Overarching Themes/Units, plus Reading: ...

  7. Elementary Sample Template 2 (MS Word)

    April Special Events ELA (Include GLOs) Overarching Themes/Units, plus Reading: Guided/Independent ...

  8. Compound found in tires toxic to certain fish

    we’ve seen coho salmon along the west coast of the United States die after rainfall events,” says Dr. ... during a rainfall event. This is the first study to demonstrate acute toxicity of 6PPD-quinone — at ... after rainfall events,” says Dr. Steve Wiseman, a University of Lethbridge biology professor and Canada ...

  9. NATO Innovation Challenge

    events Challenge Topics We are seeking innovative solutions to identify, warn, assess and manage ...

  10. Clone of Cancer Research Society | Operating Grants Competition

    Events Travel Trainee Equipment Health Faculty ...