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  1. Experts available- University of Lethbridge researchers and nurses for National Nursing Week, May 11-17

    Friday, May 8, 2015 Media Advisory The annual National Nursing Week is an opportunity to look at ... Experts-NursingWeek.docx     For  Immediate  Release  —  Friday,  May  8,  2015     Experts  available  -­‐  University  of ...

  2. Artist Tanya Harnett elected to the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

    Thursday, May 7, 2015 Tanya Harnett, a University of Lethbridge professor teaching in both the Art ... Canadian Academy of Arts.docx     For  immediate  release  —  May  7,  2015     Artist  Tanya  Harnett ...

  3. University of Lethbridge experts available to help families slide back into the school routine

    Wednesday, August 26, 2015 The University of Lethbridge has several experts from the Faculty of ...  26,  2015     University  of  Lethbridge  experts  available  to  help  families   slide  back  into ...

  4. Revitalized future-student website designed to meet the needs of today’s web savvy students

    Monday, August 31, 2015 A new University of Lethbridge future-student website has been designed to ... students.docx     For  Immediate  Release  —  Monday,  August  31,  2015     Revitalized  future-­‐student ...

  5. Celebrated author Susan Jacoby to speak at the U of L about the importance of a liberal education

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Being a critical thinker in today’s world is a necessity. Just look ...  2015     Celebrated  author  Susan  Jacoby  to  speak  at  the  U  of  L   about  the  importance  of ...

  6. Friends of Health Sciences Award to honour two Kainai physicians for their work to curb fentanyl use

    Monday, September 28, 2015 This year’s Friends of Health Sciences award recognizes two Kainai ... curb fentanyl use.docx     For  immediate  release  —  September  28,  2015     Friends  of  Health ...

  7. Students’ business idea benefits local businesses and students

    Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Like many successful entrepreneurs, Matt Anderson and Adam Graham ...  release  —  September  30,  2015     Students’  business  idea  benefits  local  businesses  and ...

  8. Enrolment up at the University of Lethbridge’s Calgary campus

    Friday, October 9, 2015 This fall, the University of Lethbridge welcomed one of the largest groups ...  release  —  Friday,  October  9,  2015     Enrolment  up  at  the  University  of  Lethbridge’s  Calgary ...

  9. University of Lethbridge master’s programs fill personal and professional goals

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Deadlines are looming for a number of Faculty of Education master’s ... professional goals.docx     For  immediate  release  —  November  10,  2015     University  of  Lethbridge ...

  10. Board of Governors appoints Dr. Claudia Malacrida as new Associate Vice-President (Research)

    Thursday, December 10, 2015 The University of Lethbridge Board of Governors appointed Dr. Claudia ... Word- Template.docx For Immediate Release — Thursday, December 11, 2015 Board of Governors appoints Dr. ...