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  1. SUBMISSION FORM: Request for Legal Services

    Select- Advancement Art Gallery Ancillary Services Calgary Campus Campus Safety Facilities Faculty of Arts ...

  2. Photography Studio

    facilities include a full wet darkroom with regular and mural-format enlargers, a black and white film ...

  3. The University of Lethbridge’s newest building to be named Science Commons

    Friday, August 30, 2019 The University of Lethbridge’s new $280-million science facility has been ... facility, Science Commons brings together faculty and students from Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, ... Science Commons The University of Lethbridge’s new $280-million science facility has been named Science ...

  4. Agility’s Innovation Zone helps solve issue in Science Commons

    Friday, February 21, 2020 Nick Gabbin, a project manager with University of Lethbridge Facilities ... University Facilities. We used University resources to solve an issue and saved time and money in the ... Gabbin, a project manager with University of Lethbridge Facilities, encountered a vexing problem while ...

  5. "Back on Track from COVID-19"- Funding Opportunity

    cover additional costs to research incurred by facility shutdown, changes in work plans due to social ...

  6. Remote Sensing (MSc)

    researchers bring RemoteEx 2018 workshop to U of L Research Facilities The researchers in remote sensing at ... computer resources. We have three dedicated laboratory facilities including: a LiDAR facility; a remote ... remote sensing calibration dark room facility. The uLethbridge has ten hyperspectral field spectrometers, ...

  7. Carol Steen

    Lethbridge. Steen has served as a principal in Lethbridge School District No. 51 since 1990, and for the past ...

  8. Graeme Wigg

    assistant superintendent for School District 51 before becoming head master at Radford College in Canberra, ...

  9. Frank Gnandt

    Lethbridge School District No. 51 for more than 30 years and has instilled a passion for the arts in many ...

  10. Gold-medal winning University of Lethbridge iGEM team may have answer for widespread agricultural problem

    Thursday, November 5, 2015 The University of Lethbridge’s incomparable iGEM program achieved ... a gold medal standing at iGEM 2015 recently, debuting a project that may soon eradicate a widespread ... problemNov0515.pdf Microsoft Word- iGEM-Gold2015-Final.docx     For  Immediate  Release  —  Thursday,  November  5, ...