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  1. Marilyn Smith

    a three-year strategic plan designed to capitalize on the new facilities. Last fall Smith was honoured with the ...

  2. Information/Application for Human or Animal Subject Research Proposals

    Any research, teaching or testing conducted using University facilities, or undertaken by ...

  3. 300 MHz Time Exception Request

    spectrometer. The completed form will be submitted to the facility manager for consideration. A copy of the ...

  4. 700 MHz Time Exception Request

    spectrometer. The completed form will be submitted to the facility manager for consideration. A copy of the ...

  5. Robert Benkoczi

    Lethbridge Algorithms, Optimization, Wireless networks deployment and management Topics  facility location, ...

  6. Digital Fabrication

    housed among the sculpture and digital fine arts facilities. More information Office: W838 Students with ...

  7. March 2012

    and it is important to have the representative from GFC present. 5. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 5.1 ... not be seeking an additional term.  The UofL had the first ever Family Day event at the 1st Choice ... for hosting this event.  The Budget Task Force is in the final stages of their review and report. It ...

  8. October 2014

    FOR ACTION 5.1 Senate Appointments MOTION: sen.2014.10.03 Hood/Galts That Senate approve the ... Senate in this event. Dan Weeks has left to become President at UNBC, Lesley Brown is Interim VP ... Senators to think of any deserving people. 3.11 Outreach Committee G. Goulet reviewed the Meet Mike events ...

  9. December 2020

    is in the process of connecting with the chosen individuals. 5. ITEMS FOR ACTION 5.1.Fees and Rates ... awards reception event on November 25 in which U. Kothe was recognized as the 2020 Board of Governors ... and • Events continue in a virtual format including an Awards Night on November 25, celebration for ...

  10. April 2021

    recognition of out- going members. 5. ITEMS FOR ACTION 5.1.Advancement Committee Terms of Reference (Revised) ... • Virtual Blue and Gold April 9 which was a very nice event. Thanks to those who organize the virtual ... events; and • Upcoming the senior leaders will be attending cultural awareness training sessions and the ...