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  1. Strategic priorities

    plan   We will be Canada’s destination for all who seek a comprehensive, liberal education ... ideals of student-centred, liberal education We will address the issues facing society in the 21st ... affordable post-secondary education Society as a whole benefits from an educated populace. We will find ways ...

  2. Drama Requirements

    Drama Requirements The performing arts offer more than fun in education. Subjects like drama ... course of a child’s education in the most positive and fulfilling way. We believe that this enrichment ... potential drama teachers into our program. Drama Education Degree at the University of Lethbridge If you ...

  3. Career Resources

    Education Co-op allows you to gain work experience directly related to your studies and make invaluable ... receive the Co-operative Education designation on your degree. Visit their website to find out more about ... Co-operative Education. Applied Studies Applied Studies is another special opportunity offered to all Arts ...

  4. 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness

    Looking for More Physical Education Information? Check out the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns ...

  5. How Alcohol Impacts Your Finances

    loan money and money set aside for education related purchases is often spent on alcohol.   Find out ...

  6. Resources

    Room & Equipment Booking  School Maps & Mileage  Legacy Magazine  Technical Support  Education ...

  7. External Awards

    Passport to Education. The Scholarships and Student Finance office can complete your passport AH 115 ... Education Other Provincial Scholarships issued from Government Confirmation of Educational Trust Funds ... Students can print off a confirmation of enrolment letter for Educational Trust Funds such as RESPs through ...

  8. Important School of Graduate Studies Documents

    Governing Principles Directions for Graduate Education 2018-2020 ...

  9. Programs & Admissions

    Take a deep-dive into your interests or discover a new passion! A well-rounded education means ... exploring a variety of subjects from different angles. With our liberal education requirements, the courses ... Post-secondary transfer students Mature students Inclusive Education Indigenous Student Success Certificate ...

  10. Connections

    The first two pillars in our Liberal Education model, breadth and integration, trace back to the ... Education model of the Romans. The Romans developed seven subjects, known for centuries as the original ... approach reminds us that although our education system is based on a classical Western tradition, it is ...