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  1. Alumni Stories

    Blaine Chronik, BSc Physics- University of Lethbridge- 1994 I left Lethbridge to take up graduate studies in London, Ont. and received my doctorate from the University of Western Ontario. I am currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Electric ...

  2. Alumni Stories

    Thomas Arcadius Fox BSc 2011 Masters Degree in Geography at McGill University Cam Davis BSc 2001 Fisheries Technician, Golder Associates, Calgary Michael Jokinen BSc 2002 Alberta Conservation Association, Blairmore, Alberta Scott Morrison BSc 2000 Biologi ...

  3. Alumni Stories

    Blaine Chronik, BSc Physics- University of Lethbridge- 1994 I left Lethbridge to take up graduate studies in London, Ont. and received my doctorate from the University of Western Ontario. I am currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Electric ...

  4. Stories

    The catalyst behind establishing an oral history centre derives most immediately from an oral history project regarding “ The First Generation of the University of Lethbridge,” begun in 2009 by James Tagg (Professor Emeritus, History) with the assistance ...

  5. Stories

    Let's Talk Career Planning..... The Power of Positive Over the last 10 years, researchers in the field of positive psychology have used empirical methods to study the factors that help people create happiness and flourishing.  Even more exciting, the ...

  6. Stories

    Facilities featured in U of L 45th anniversary videos The Department of Facilities has a significant impact at the U of L. Everyone on our team plays an important role. A couple of our managers were featured in the University's 45th anniversary video ...

  7. Stories

    Grounds crew sustains University's beauty Did you know that the University has its own greenhouse to grow most of the flowers you see around campus? The Department of Grounds in Facilities works hard year-round to keep the U of L campus looking brigh ...

  8. Stories

    WHY PARKING MATTERS Late Merge ...

  9. Stories

    2013 looking to be the busiest building year yet With several large campus projects slated to get underway this year, the summer of 2013 could be the U of L's busiest construction season yet! Trapezoidal "Quadrangle" construction underway T ...

  10. Visit the UNews Student Success Section for stories celebrating student success!

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