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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. December 2006

    latest funding announcement for education, that none of the $160 million came to Lethbridge.  He ...

  2. June 2012

    emerging emphasis on international education and research and the science building and recent Mexico ...

  3. October 2014

    input. Our new Minister indicated that he is excited that Advanced Education is his new portfolio and has ...

  4. October 2015

    Innovation and Advanced Education representatives on July 6 and September 26.  Had a few meetings with MLA ...

  5. Alumni Needs Assessment 2018

    Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Ottawa) ARTS AND SCIENCE 51% MANAGEMENT 27% HEALTH SCIENCES 6% EDUCATION 21% ...

  6. February 2019

    open education for all students, so we do not want to limit or have barriers to other students. We are ...

  7. February 2020

    retired, as has Assistant Deputy Minister Dan Rizzoli. The new Deputy Minister for Advanced Education is ...

  8. March 2020

    and how those grades will affect student’s future education endeavours with preserving the grade in ...

  9. Economics review_Closing Memo_Jul 29-13.pdf

    a richer, liberal education. 9. Economics is like the natural sciences in that a core discipline must be application/pdf attached to:Department of Economics

  10. Engineering Pre-Prof Transfer Program review_Closing Memo_Jan 22 2014.pdf

    helps meet an educational need in southern Alberta, and helps meet provincial demand for engineering application/pdf attached to:Pre-Professional Transfer Program (Engineering)