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  1. HIV, Education and Empowerment: Building Capacity Among Ugandan Nurses and Nurse-Midwives

    Sigma Theta Tau International 39th Biennial Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 2-6, 2007 (poster). ...

  2. The Impact of HIV Education on the Lives of Ugandan Nurses and Nurse-Midwives

    Advances in Nursing Science, 32(2), E94-108.  ...

  3. The Impact of HIV Education on the Lives of Nurses and Nurse-Midwives in Uganda

    2009- Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Edmonton, Alberta, University of Alberta.    ...

  4. Community Partnerships for Post-Secondary Tobacco Education

    Authors: Yanicki, S. M., & Philipp, K. (2012).In A. R. Vollman, E. T. Anderson, & J. MacFarlane, Community as partner-Canadian edition: Theory and multidisciplinary practice. (3rd ed., pp. 425-432). New York: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams &am ...

  5. Community Partnerships for Post-Secondary Tobacco Education.

    Authors: Yanicki, S. M., & Philipp, K. (2008). In A. R. Vollman, E. T. Anderson, & J. MacFarlane, Community as partner-Canadian edition: Theory and multidisciplinary practice. (2 nd ed., pp. 459-468). New York: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & ...

  6. Nursing educator honoured for her contribution to the field

      Dr. Jean Harrowing (BASC ’78) is one of 100 nurses to receive a   Centennial Award from the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta as the organization celebrates its 100th year. ...

  7. Educational Prosperity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

    [video:] ...

  8. Guest Speaker Evening Event- Equality, Equity, and Educational Prosperity in Alberta’s Schools

      J. Douglas Willms Website ...

  9. What does Early Childhood Education and Care have to do with Global Political Economy?


  10. NESA- Nursing Education in Southwestern Alberta

    Academic Faculty Faculty of Health Sciences Complete January, 2011 to November, 2011 NESA Closing Memo_2011.pdf ...