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  1. Faculty of Education Audio Series "In Conversation"

    January 22, 2016- Dr. Chris Mattatall, Education Psychology, discusses his research on the ... Brunswick jail shaped his perspective and values as an educator. ...

  2. Niitsitapi Teacher Education Program

    In partnership with Red Crow Community College, the Faculty of Education at the University of ... Lethbridge is offering the Niitsitapi Teacher Education Program.       After Degree students may complete the ... Combined Degrees program. The Niitsitapi Teacher Education Program officially begins in  August 2018. The ...

  3. Educating with Global Perspective in Mind

    globalization, this challenge has particular relevance for future educators.      A researcher with a special ... interest in comparative studies in the U of L Faculty of Education, Dr. Kas Mazurek emphasizes that, as an ... educator, understanding your profession begins with understanding the education systems of other nations. He ...

  4. Co-operative Education

    Co-operative Education is an educational model that formally integrates academic study with ... a professional network. Co-operative Education is available to students for the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of ...

  5. Co-operative Education for Graduate Students

    Co-operative Education is available to students in the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science ... (MSc) programs. Co-operative education is an educational model that formally integrates academic study ...

  6. Cost of Education

    education: Cost of Living- look under the housing tab Fees Cash Office International Students ...

  7. Faculty of Education Fall 2020 Graduate student update

    Faculty of Education Graduate Students, All Fall 2020 courses will be online. Our decades of ...

  8. Co-operative Education Option

    The Co-operative Education Option is available to students for the Master of Arts (MA) and Master ... of Science (MSc) programs. Co-operative education is an educational model that formally integrates ... Science Office of Career Bridge (Co-operative Education): AH151; tel. 403.329.2000; email or via the Co-op ...

  9. Former educator invests in the future

    Ida Wiens had a love of learning that motivated her to complete her education, drove a successful ... Grateful for her own education and successful career in teaching, Wiens made a bequest in her will for the ... the first recipients of the Elmer and Ida Wiens Faculty of Education Bursary, which will help provide ...

  10. Former educator invests in the future

    Ida Wiens had a love of learning that motivated her to complete her education, drove a successful ... Grateful for her own education and successful career in teaching, Wiens made a bequest in her will for the ... the first recipients of the Elmer and Ida Wiens Faculty of Education Bursary, which will help provide ...