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  1. Liberal Education List Requirement (Lib Ed Requirement) Courses

    uLethbridge is deeply rooted in a liberal education philosophy, so the Lib Ed Requirement has been ... incorporated into every Undergraduate degree and combined degree program. The Liberal Education List ... Education in the Academic Calendar.   TIP- The required courses in your chosen major may fulfill Lib Ed ...

  2. Inclusive Education

    Inclusive Education About the Inclusive Post-Secondary Initiative​? The University of Lethbridge ... to support individuals with developmental disabilities to pursue higher education. The Inclusive Post-Secondary Initiative ... post-secondary studies with our support? Inclusive post-secondary education is open to any individual who is PDD ...

  3. Liberal Education

    Download the Liberal Education Overview (PDF) ...

  4. Co-operative Education

    Gain practical experience MyExperience Login Co-operative Education combines real-world work ... experience that fits you like a tailored suit. Combined with a foundation in liberal education and armed with ... Benefits of Co-operative Education Discover your career options to make realistic and informed career ...

  5. Liberal Education List Requirement

    What is the Liberal Education List Requirement? In keeping with the liberal arts focus of the ... University, all students in an undergraduate degree program must complete the Liberal Education List ... should consult their Faculty of School advising office.  The Liberal Education Lists provide students ...

  6. Sanjivani Rural Education Society College of Engineering

    Sanjivani Rural Education Society College of Engineering Kopargaon, India Important Information: ... one of the best in the country. Established in 1983 by the Sanjivani Rural Educational Society, the ... Institute had a vision for social transformation and uplifting of the rural masses through education ...

  7. Liberal Education

    Liberal Education at the University of Lethbridge disussion paper: The Future of Liberal Education ... background to the history of liberal education at the U of L and to begin the discussion about what future we ... see for liberal education at the University. Over the next few weeks additional documents will be ...

  8. Graduate Programs in Education Committee

    Graduate Programs in Education Committee Mailing List Committee Chair: Chris Mattatall Committee ... Members: Name Organization Title/Position Committee Title Years Left David Slomp Education Associate Dean ... Education Dean, Education (ex officio, non voting)     TBD Health Sciences External Faculty Member (ex ...

  9. PhD in Education Committee

    Years Left David Slomp Education Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Research (ex officio) Chair ...   Thelma Gunn Education Faculty   1 Robert LeBlanc Education Faculty   2 Jeffrey MacCormack Education ...

  10. Physical Education Building (1971)

    The original Physical Education building remains as... Drawings & Photographs ...