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  1. Minors (School of Liberal Education)

    Minors in Liberal Education The following minors in Liberal Education are available to all ... students except those in the Faculty of Education.  For students who complete the required courses, the ... Liberal Education 1000- Knowledge and Liberal Education Liberal Education 3000/Writing 3000- Writing in ...

  2. Education 2500 Course Video

    Education 2500 Orientation to Teaching course puts you in schools and provides an opportunity to ... spend time in a classroom before entering the Faculty of Education. The following video will give you ... a sense for the experience and why it is important. Educ 2500- Orientation to Teaching Ed 2500_60 Extended ...

  3. Crooks Work-Integrated Learning Program in Liberal Education

    Crooks Work-Integrated Learning Program in Liberal Education The University of Lethbridge is ... in Liberal Education helps make that possible by providing paid internships for up to five students ... Crooks and family, the Crooks Work-Integrated Learning Program in Liberal Education supports ...

  4. Co-operative Education

    Co-operative Education Discover the career path that’s right for you. Gain hands-on experience. ... Earn a competitive wage. Develop a professional network.   Co-operative Education (co-op) combines ... educational institutions, non-profits and other organizations in Alberta and around the world. Work terms can ...

  5. Fund Your Education

    Your post secondary education is an important investment and we want to help you reach your goals ...  AH115, Anderson Hall Phone:  403-329-2585 Email: Fund Your Education Resources ... Co-operative Education, Applied Studies, Career Services and an Experiential Transcript Advisor. Explore Career ...

  6. Welcome to the Faculty of Education

    Welcome to the Faculty of Education What makes our teacher preparation program so unique? At the ... U of L Faculty of Education, you benefit from one of the most unique teacher training programs in the ... elementary classrooms, creating vast opportunities for you throughout your career as an educator. What makes ...

  7. Educational Technology Committee

    Return to Resources  Educational Technology Committee The Educational Technology committee deals ... with technology issues in the Faculty of Education. This group suggests policy, generates initiatives, ...

  8. Open Education Resources

        Open Education Resources  Learning, teaching and research resources that can be found in the ... accessing, editing, reproduction and/or collaboration are Open Education Resources (OER).  With funding from ... a current Education student to gather, compile and create OER that can be used in our EAP Program, ...

  9. Education & Initiatives

    Education & Initiatives Cultivating a Culture of Consent To become a campus that nourishes ... who are committed to creating a safer, more respectful campus.  Education and Initiatives E-Learning: ...

  10. Admission to Faculty of Education Graduate Programs

    Master of Education and Master of Counselling: Application deadline December 1 for Summer start ... » Review all upcoming Faculty of Education Graduate Program Offerings » Admission information for Master of ... Education programs » Admission information for Master of Counselling program PhD in Education: The PhD in ...