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  1. Employment

    ​Business Manager Communications Manager Facilities Manager PEP (Peer Education Programmer) 2024/2025 Casual ...

  2. The Community Bridge Lab at the University of Lethbridge

    Liberal Education will coordinate opportunities, projects, and funding.   The Community Bridge Lab ... Dr. Julie Young, Dept. of Geography Dr. Kaylan Schwarz, School of Liberal Education Dr. Shelly ... Wismath, School of Liberal Education.      Testimonial: Being part of the Community Bridge Lab for multiple ...

  3. Syllabi- Inclusive- Math- Math 3400

    collaborative writing tasks and environments.  Computers and Education, 82, 393-408.  ...

  4. Faculty (STP) Handbook Appeals Committee

    2024   One (1) Tenured Faculty member (Alternate) selected by Education Council Vacant (Kerry Bernes), ...

  5. Functions of the PMO

    buildings or renovated area for Capital Project Department. Extensive renovations to the Physical Education ...

  6. Prevention & Response Framework

    elements that structure the approach to prevention and response are Policy & Procedures, Education ...

  7. Scholarships

    her community and her belief in quality education. Terms of Reference: March 2019   Value:  $1,000 ...

  8. Talk To Someone On Campus

    up-to-date community resource and support information. Education:  Deliver education, prevention, training ... lens, Whitney hopes to work with campus partners to develop and offer education programming, resource ...

  9. BOG Teaching Chair

    Advisory Council.   2023 Board of Governors Teaching Chair  Chris Mattatall- Faculty of Education As Board ... course (Liberal Education 2850).  This course was designed as part of the campus-wide Recruitment and ... Retention Project, and its goals included producing a student cohort, introducing liberal education and ...

  10. Management Certificates

    Management Certificates (undergraduate-level micro-credentials) for your educational needs. All successfully ... academic education level. The highest level achieved, will determine the applicant's appropriate ... individual program, campus, country of origin, educational history, or current residency status. Intake ...