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  1. Exemplar 1 PS III (pdf)

    Social Studies Merged.pdf Education Documents Undergrad PS III Field Experiences Social Studies ...

  2. Zone 6 Map 2023

    Uploaded June 2023 zone_6_map.pdf Education Documents Field Experiences zone_6_map.pdf Welcome to ...

  3. Global Citizenship Cohort | Courses (2023/2024)

     Liberal Education 1000 will help you develop skills such as critical thinking, numeracy, oral and written ... theme.   A course that you select   A course that you select Spring 2024 Knowledge and Liberal Education ... – LBED 1000A:   B rendan Cummins why?  Liberal Education 1000 will help you develop skills such as ...

  4. A Place to Shine

    Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience). Our education program is one of the leading programs in the ... education, counselling, and health sciences in an array of disciplines, as well as PhDs in multidisciplinary ... education. ...

  5. About the Curriculum Laboratory

    Faculty of Education's teacher education program, and the practice of teaching, a cooperative ... endeavor between the University Library and the Faculty of Education. Curriculum Laboratory Map What does ... development. We support both students and faculty in the Education program. Specialized Staff Our team ...

  6. CTiTL Meeting Notes: Nov 28- 2011

    if there are sufficinet funds, that the Faculty of Education purchase harddrives for individual ... faculty members and if the Faculty of Education doesn't have money then individual faculty members ...

  7. Content Delivery Visit the Accessible Learning Centre website Accessibility Accessibility of Education- Tool Kit ... for Educators When you choose or create teaching materials for your courses, you might want to ensure ...

  8. Research Planning Committee Members

    Wymer, June 30, 2026 One (1) from the Faculty of Education Robert LeBlanc, June 30, 2026 One (1) from the ... School of Liberal Education Kaylan Schwarz, June 30, 2026   * Members will normally hold an appointment ...

  9. Academic Integrity

    used by course instructors as an educational tool to help their students maintain high standards of ... do to discourage dishonest behaviour and encourage academic integrity in their courses. Educate your ... students: students must be educated on what is and is not acceptable, and that there can be substantial ...

  10. Specialization and Internship Options (Fillable) Form

    specialization_and_internship_options_fillable_form_-_2017.pdf Education Documents General ... 8 Faculty of Education in the Academic Calendar or contact Student Program Services for detailed ... choose their respective internships: EDUC 4574: Fine Arts- Art or Drama; or EDUC 4575: Fine Arts – Music, ...