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  1. Mini U Music School P&W

    Peter & the Wolf Music Activity- Summer- 2023 Start by reading the story and placing the ... the places in the story with the cues on your story sheet, ie. (PETER), etc.    Does this make the ... story MORE interesting to listen to?  Do the music clips represent the characters well?  Example: How ...

  2. Beyond the Stereotypes: An Inside Look at Canada's Emerging Millenials

    2010 Education Canada, Winter 50: 38-43. ...

  3. Lorraine Beaudin

    Beaudin Associate Professor Faculty of Education Education Lethbridge Emerging technology in ... education Gender and technology  Online teaching and learning Philosophy of technology Gaming in education ...

  4. University of Lethbridge celebrating medal winners from 2020 graduating class

    expanded stories by following the “Read more” links): Gold Medal of the Governor General —  Aimee Benoit ... more Faculty of Education Gold Medal  —  Jessica  (Lohues) Nelson Nelson completed her combined ... Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in the fall of 2019. Excelling academically ...

  5. Amy von Heyking

    Associate Professor of Education Amy von Heyking’s research interests include history of Canadian ... schooling, citizenship education and children’s historical thinking. Her academic publications include ... articles in Historical Studies in Education, Canadian Journal of Education, History of Education Quarterly ...

  6. Differentiated Learning

    Resources to assist teachers with the education of students with special learning needs. ...

  7. Publications

    This section will provide links to the various publications from the Faculty of Education. ...

  8. Principles of Test Building

      Designed by Richelle Marynowski September 2016 Adapted from Alberta Education 2010 Click here to ...

  9. Basics of Question Design

      Designed by Richelle Marynowski September 2016 Adapted from Alberta Education 2010 Click here to ...

  10. Ed 2500 Committee

    Title/Position Committee Title Years Left Aaron Stout Education Faculty/ED 2500 Coord. (ex officio) Chair   Beth ... Cormier Education Faculty   1 Len Sproule Education Faculty   1 Jennifer LeGrandeur Education Faculty   2 ...