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  1. Kristin Ailsby

    advocate and effective educator, Kristin Ailsby is an inspiration to alumni and future alumni. After ...

  2. Reed Spencer

    as an educator. Respected by his colleagues, deferred to by his principals and sought out by regional ...

  3. Board Highlights 21% Provincial Cuts to U of L; Commits to continue to bargain in good faith

    for post-secondary education is an important activity, and like ULFA, the University of Lethbridge ... continues to make the case to the Government of Alberta that investments in post-secondary education will ... education is an important activity, and like ULFA, the University of Lethbridge continues to make the case ...

  4. Dentistry (Pre-professional transfer program)

    them while at uLethbridge including co-operative education, international exchanges, independent and ... co-operative education to all majors in the arts & sciences, at both the undergrad and grad levels. To ... learn more about this exciting opportunity, visit the Co-operative Education webpage. Dream big, and ...

  5. Carly Adams

    Adams Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Kinesiology and Physical Education Lethbridge As ...

  6. Foundation for the Arts

    Master of Fine Arts Master of Education Master of Arts ...

  7. CFUW Dr. Margaret McWilliams Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

    improved access to higher education and the active involvement of women in public life. It is awarded to ...

  8. CFUW- Canadian Home Economics Association Fellowship

    Science in Management Master of Science Master of Nursing Master of Education Master of Counselling Master ...

  9. Lethbridge Women Scholars Award

    Music Master of Fine Arts Master of Education Master of Counselling Master of Arts Doctor of Philosophy ...

  10. Mady Appleton (Trombone)

    year with Nick Sullivan and plans to pursue music education in the future. She is currently performing ...