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  1. ELI Brochure Korean

    • 캐나다에서 가장 생활비가 적게 드는 도시 중의 하나! • 캐나다에서 밝고, 따듯한 도시로 알려진 곳! • 온난 기후로 보통 봄에는 섭씨 12도, 여름에는 26도, 가을에는 14도 그리고 ...

  2. Branch Out Neurological Foundation Master's Grant

    Questions Length:  1-2 years max Eligibility: Research must be in the area of  NeuroCAM. Applicants are ...

  3. PRIHS 8 Competition Opens

    3 p.m MST - Register Here  University of Calgary Information Webinar: Wednesday, April 12, 2023- 1- ...

  4. Weston Family Boreal Research Fellowship

    application are found on The Weston Family Boreal Research Fellowship website. Friday, January 12, 2024 Full ...

  5. endMS Scholar Program for Researchers in Training (SPRINT)

    participation in SPRINT (June 2024 to June 2025). Important Dates Competition Opens: December 12, 2023 ...

  6. Heart & Stroke Women's Personnel Awards

    who started their doctoral program before June 30, 2021 are ineligible Must have remaining at least 12 ...

  7. First Prentice Institute Research Seed Grants Awarded

    Centre, Philippines), and  Maria Veronica Caparas, (Ph.D. candidate, Educational Policy Studies, ... Applied Science, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong)  and Vicki Lai Ying Fong ... (Lecturer, D.Ed., Lecturer, Applied Science, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational, Education, Hong Kong). Brief ...

  8. Skolrood, A Harold

    Faculty of Education 1928 to 2003 SKOLROOD Arthur Harold, born May 2, 1928 at Maidstone, ... obtained his Doctorate of Education. In the early and mid 1960's Harold taught at various public ... a founding member of the University and its Faculty of Education. He taught there until his retirement in ...

  9. U of L students create innovative programming for Galt Museum

    have developed unique tools to help educate school children about local history. Ashley Henrickson (MA ... ’19), museum educator at the Galt Museum & Archives, and Dr. Kristine Alexander, associate professor ... Benjamin Weistra, both Education students, as they completed Applied Studies courses last semester. Their ...


    PLEASE NOTE: Acceptance of an Offer of Admission to the Faculty of Education indicates your ... Education: Note: Please be aware that this information is used in making placements. Address * If you are ... intending to move to attend the Faculty of Education program, please note this in the box above and provide ...