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  1. Letkemann, Peter

    Department of Sociology 1936 to 2023 PETER JACOB LETKEMANN, beloved husband of the late Katy ...

  2. Biomolecular Science (PhD)

    program are normally supervised by Faculty members in the following contributing departments ...

  3. Biosystems and Biodiversity (PhD)

    Geography departments. Biosystems and Biodiversity is a multidisciplinary program emphasizing ...

  4. Dr. J. A. Campbell Young Investigators Research Award

    "which Department is to receive payment" this should be the School of Graduate Studies. More ...

  5. Monique Giroux

    Chair in Métis music and is an Associate Professor in the Music Department. She completed her PhD in ...

  6. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)- Summer Term

    supplement of $1125* Duration Minimum of 12 weeks to a maximum 16 consecutive weeks (between May 1 and August ... your plans following the completion of your undergraduate degree; Your qualifications (e.g. education ...

  7. Accommodation Matrix

    events/activities Sensory [Hearing] Voice recorder and playback devices Technology Adaptive technology and special ... :// ...

  8. Parkland Institute's 15th Annual Fall Conference- Class Dismissed: Capital's War on Workers and Democracy

    has donated at least $50 to Parkland in the past 12 months gets discounted member rates on tickets and ...

  9. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Health and Demography at University of Pennsylvania

    •Curriculum vitae •1-2 page statement of interest •Writing sample•Please arrange for three letters of ...

  10. ELI Brochure Korean 2018

    • 캐나다에서 가장 생활비가 적게 드는 도시 중의 하나! • 캐나다에서 밝고, 따듯한 도시로 알려진 곳! • 온난 기후로 보통 봄에는 섭씨 12도, 여름에는 26도, 가을에는 14도 그리고 ...