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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. Events and Resources

    provides upcoming events and conference information, as well as links and resources ranging from general ...

  2. Workshops/Events

    The Teaching Centre has a variety of events and workshops that focus on teaching and take place ... throughout the year. These events are listed below. Graduate Assistant Professional Development Program Many ... initiated in 2015 and is an extension of a past event known as Teaching Day. This event changed due to the ...

  3. Previous Events (sumaries & media) 2016-2017

    Events previously held by the Centre for Culture and Community with related information, media, ...

  4. Black History Month- International Centre Events

    a full month of events to honor Black History Month, and the International Centre is hosting a student ...

  5. Events and Conferences


  6. Past Events, Sumaries, Links, Media.

    test.  My last page disapeared without a trace after I saved it. ...

  7. Events Photos


  8. Events

    Workshops: The AMETHYST Program includes two separate types of workshop to assist trainees with research training objectives and the clarification of their specific career goals. The workshops will be based on a philosophy of “blended learning” whereby st ...

  9. Current Events


  10. Agility Events Calendar
