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  1. Events and Conferences

    activities. Please use the "Current Events" menu tab on the left  for an overview of current ... events.      Tweets by ULethICYS ...

  2. Overview of Spring 2017 Events

    Below is an overview of Sping 2017 events.  ...

  3. Overview of Spring 2017 Events

    Below is an overview of Sping 2017 events.  ...

  4. Events

    Upcoming Events  Following the unconference, we acknowledge that cultivating solutions for complex ... plans and measurable improvements in healthcare. Stay tuned for more information. Past Events  On May ... 5th & 8th, CHRISA had the privilege of hosting a “unconference”. The goal of the event was to ...

  5. Member Events & Documents

    Past Events 2018  Nov. 2, 2018- Annual General Meeting (minutes)- Presentation: Dr. Gerlinda Metz- ... Constable Paolo Magliocco- Fraud Awareness: How to Protect Your Identity (ppt) Upcoming Event: Nov. 28, ...

  6. Later Life Learning Events

    Here is a curated list of events related to life long learning, both local and offered by other ... institutions.  Some events are free while others charge a tuition fee. CURAC Later Life Learning CURAC's  ... Later Life Learning Events Calendar  for all events registered with CURAC (you may have to scroll down ...

  7. Events and Conferences

    ARRTI hosts a variety of RNA research presentations, conferences and events. See the links to the ... left for upcoming events, including our biochemistry journal club. There is also information about the ... RiboWest conference, an annual event that is hosted at the University of Lethbridge by ARRTI every other ...

  8. Events and Conferences

    ARRTI hosts a variety of RNA research presentations, conferences and events. See the links to the ... left for upcoming events, including our biochemistry journal club. There is also information about the ... RiboWest conference, an annual event that is hosted at the University of Lethbridge by ARRTI every other ...

  9. June 2015

    That General Faculties Council approve Recommendation #1-#3 – Liberal Education from the GFC Curriculum ... Education Requirement (GLER) List to Liberal Education Course List (Lib Ed List). (p. 5) Prior approval: ... Liberal Education List to all Faculties. (p. 5) Prior approval: Curriculum Coord. Com.: May 11/15 ...

  10. Events and Resources

    provides upcoming events and conference information, as well as links and resources ranging from general ...