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  1. Liberal Education

    Liberal Education at the University of Lethbridge disussion paper: The Future of Liberal Education ... background to the history of liberal education at the U of L and to begin the discussion about what future we ... see for liberal education at the University. Over the next few weeks additional documents will be ...

  2. Liberal Education List Requirement (Lib Ed Requirement) Courses

    uLethbridge is deeply rooted in a liberal education philosophy, so the Lib Ed Requirement has been ... incorporated into every Undergraduate degree and combined degree program. The Liberal Education List ... lists (12 courses in total): List I- Fine Arts and Humanities List II- Social Science List III- Science ...

  3. 2014-15 Fees and Rates

    2011-12:.35%, 2010-11: 1.5%, 2009-10: 4.1%). Recommendation 4: That the fees for instruction for 2014-15 be ... Education 2500 Practicum Fee for 2014-15 be approved effective April 1, 2014 as presented in Table V, and ... 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Inc 2014-15 Inc 2015-16 Inc 2016-17 Student Practicum Travel Fee 390.00 410.00 ...

  4. Business Plan 2010-2014

    it is about providing each student with a comprehensive learning experience – a liberal education ... ALLOCATIONS 1. Refine and promote liberal education. 2. Evaluate and evolve student recruitment strategies. 3. ... 2010-2014_Business_Plan_0.pdf Report Type Business Plans 2010-2014_Business_Plan_0.pdf 2000 – 2001 ...

  5. Liberal Education

    how the principles of Liberal Education are upheld in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry: ... LIBERATE YOUR MIND A liberally educated person has no limitations. Visit the School of Liberal ... Education The concept of liberal education is central to the teaching philosophy at the University of ...

  6. PUBlic Professor Series talk to explore delusion and the age-old quest to find spiritual liberation

    liberation by Eastern teachers, such as J. Krishnamurti. Rodrigues has taught for 28 years in the Department ... 30-- Contact: Dr. Hillary Rodrigues, Department of Religious Studies 403-329-5123 ... week,  Combatting Delusion: Gleanings from the Hindu Great Goddess and Eastern Sages. The free event ...

  7. U of L establishes School of Liberal Education

    for a review of liberal education in 2014. The review has resulted in the establishment of a School of ... vice-president (Academic) and provost, called for a review of liberal education in 2014. The review has resulted ... virus. The response to the Ebola outbreak illustrates a liberal education approach and the need for ...

  8. School of Liberal Education- Course List Submission Form

    _list_criteria_september_2020.pdf liberal_education_list_criteria_september_2020.pdf   Department Faculty Information Name (Curriculum Representative): * Department/Faculty: * E-mail ... inclusion on the Liberal Education Lists (LEL).  The following general criteria are considered when a course ... depth of knowledge. How well does the course help achieve student outcomes of Liberal Education. Does ...

  9. Dr. Shelly Wismath appointed first dean of University of Lethbridge School of Liberal Education

    of Liberal Education. The U of L’s Board of Governors approved the appointment last week, granting ... Liberal Education, and the work of the Liberal Education Revitalization Team over the last three years has ... says Wismath. “The formation of the School of Liberal Education formalizes that recommitment.” Wismath ...

  10. Dr. Harold Jansen appointed to new role as University Librarian and Dean of the School of Liberal Education

    University Librarian and Dean of the School of Liberal Education. Jansen, a political scientist who has ... the library and to build on the strong foundation of the School of Liberal Education and its standing ... as a hallmark of the University’s academic philosophy. “The principle of liberal education is what ...