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  1. Keiran Vanden Dungen | MSc Biochemistry

    edit-4620.jpg PRO-SCIENCE. DETERMINED. CREATIVE. “I would advise future students to begin looking into opportunities early! Co-op programs and independent studies are a great way to learn the type of research happening at the university.” Favourite Class: ...

  2. Luke Saville | Biochemistry

    edit-4884.jpg HARDWORKING. CURIOUS. LAID BACK. “Get involved in a research group at the university as early as possible. It will open up to a lot of avenues at university such as unique classes, independent studies, volunteer opportunities, and a lot of g ...

  3. Colyn Cleland | MSc Biochemistry

    colyn-cleland-2019 DEDICATED. MOTIVATED. RESILIENT. “Take the time to get to know your professors and ask for help when it is needed. Take responsibility for your education and get the most out of it. Lastly, independent/applied studies are a great way to ...

  4. Damian La Rosa Montes | MSc Biochemistry

    damian-la-rosa-montes-2019 INNOVATOR. MOTIVATED. COMPASSIONATE. “When it comes to education, there is nothing stopping you from achieving your full potential. Plan carefully every single semester and register for any extracurricular class that might contr ...

  5. Tanner Lockwood | Biochemistry

    tanner-lockwood-2019 CLEVER. FOCUSED. METICULOUS. “Make sure to balance your time after school! It’s easy to take a break and let assignments pile up, and then have to spend all week working on them! If you plan your time out in advance, you can make sure ...

  6. Yubo Cheng | Biochemistry

    yubo-cheng-2019 SELF-DISCIPLINED. GYM-GOER. TRAVELLER. “Join a lab to get experience working with the principal investigator and lab members.” Favourite Study Spot:  Office What makes my uLethbridge experience unique? Be able to concentrate on research pr ...

  7. Thakor Group

    Chinook Symposium of Chemistry and Biochemistry-2016; RNA society travel award for RiboClub2017. Current ... Chemistry and Biochemistry-2016; SGS Travel Award for RiboWest2017. BSc Students Kamiko Bressler (B.Sc. ... First Prize poster presentation in BSc category in Chinook Symposium of Chemistry and Biochemistry ...

  8. uofl_department_of_economics_closing_memo_2024.pdf

    uofl_department_of_economics_closing_memo_2024.pdf Department of Economics – Academic Quality ... Department of Economics Academic Quality Assurance Review In accordance with the U of L Academic Quality ... Assurance Policy and Process, the Academic Quality Assurance Committee approved the review of the Department application/pdf attached to:Department of Economics

  9. Undergraduate Courses for the BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology

    agricultural studies, biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, economics, mathematics and physics. They ... The Evolution of Agriculture Biochemistry Accordion ID: 10207 Item: BIOCHEMISTRY 2000 Introductory ... Biochemistry Biological Sciences Accordion ID: 10209 Item: BIOLOGY 1010 Cellular Basis of Life Item: BIOLOGY ...

  10. Friday, September 21

    ai_event.png     LOCATION: U of L Student Union   EMCEE   Luc Roberts Vice President, Bluesky ... Professor, Tier II Canada Research Chair in Computational Neuroscience, Department of Cell Biology and ... Anatomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy (Adjunct), Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Adjunct) ...