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  1. OH | Student Services & Supports

    including workshops, courses and events. Career Services Navigate the transition between school, job search ...

  2. February- What We Love About STEM

    Public Library My family has participated in various DE programs and events over the years. What do ...

  3. Insurance

    conferences and other events are required to provide proof of insurance to demonstrate compliance with the ...

  4. Fond Memories and Farewells

    Governors as one of Dr. Mahon’s initial events on campus. It was truly an unexpected honour. What would ... the event because we will be in Portugal, but think fondly of all our times with you both over the ... ahead. One of my fondest memories of you is that whenever I met you at meetings or events in the ...

  5. Portfolio Course Information

    event that the student is being directly supervised by a person who is not a faculty member (i.e. guest ...

  6. Practicum in Aboriginal Health

    a proposal/grant including scholarly references Presentation, a resource or a display at a community event, or for ...

  7. French

    (French Language Centre) regularly collaborated on events and projects with the city’s division of the ...

  8. PIMS Distinguished Speakers

    Fellowships, and individual events on a competitive basis. U of L PIMS Site Director- Nathan Ng ...

  9. Travel

    service hosted and controlled by the Government of Canada that notifies travelers in the event of an ...

  10. Graduate Assistant Teaching Professional Development Program

    events, workshops, and other resources compliment your degree. Visit the THRIVE website for more ...