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  1. Canada Facts

    commonly sung at sporting events. You can read the English version below: “O Canada! Our home and native ...

  2. Online Tools

    support for students, and more! View our Calendar to see upcoming events, activities, and workshops Upload ...

  3. Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science

    Relations/Advancement Attending, and occasionally hosting, public events on behalf of the Faculty and the University ...

  4. Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science

    occasionally hosting, public events on behalf of the Faculty and the University Other Duties Miscellaneous ...

  5. Don't Go it Alone

    attend all the events. You can really diversify your opportunities for extracurricular activities this ... way by allowing yourself to choose events to go to based on your schedule. I joined the Spanish club ... clubs you like, and go to a few events!”- Cayley “I joined a lot of clubs so that I could experience ...

  6. Call for Undergraduate and Graduate Student Posters! (now closed)

    discussion regarding the intersection of these three issues.   The event will consist of a keynote lecture by ...

  7. Jenna Kirker (2019)

    drive me to an event, or seeking me out to talk about the city – I was often overwhelmed by the ...

  8. Finance

    Business Official Securities Broker Special Event Coordinator Statistician Systems Analyst Training and ... Career Fairs  and other on-campus recruitment events found on the  Career Services Events  page within ... Student Funding, Student Research Positions, AGILITY, and events. The School of Graduate Studies has ...

  9. General Humanities

    Event Coordinator/ Planner Executive Assistant Instructional Media Specialist Insurance Agent Lawyer ... Start building your network by attending  Career Fairs  and other on-campus recruitment events found on ... the  Career Services Events  page within the Career Bridge portal. Get introduced to career ...

  10. Programs & Courses

    historical events, ideas, and institutions are structured by social relations such as gender, race, ...