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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. Individual Development Plans (IDP)

    these areas, you can use your IDP to plan out which workshops, events, and opportunities offered by the ...

  2. Exam Preparation

    when these workshops are, visit our events calendar. If you cannot attend these workshops, here is the ...

  3. Housing at uLethbridge

    Community Handbook and coordinates fun social events, educational opportunities, and everyday interactions. ...

  4. Develop Career Competency

    progress. Continually look at ways to upskill or diversify your skill set through areas like events and ...

  5. Shining Students

    participate in Open House and other events. Shining Students truly exemplify the U of L student spirit and ...

  6. Michelle Snidal | Political Science / History

    made class registration very hard! The community events that the U of L hosts allows students to expand ...

  7. Brayden Pitcher | Psychology

     Meet the Profs event Favourite Study Spot:  Either at home at my Kitchen table, in the Library, or in ...

  8. Hope Vienneau | Biochemistry

    with Gretchen Scott Favourite Social Activity:  ARRTI annual social event Favourite Study Spot:  In bed ...

  9. PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. Shawn Bubel

    of these remains indicates a single event that took place around 2500 years ago based on radiocarbon ...

  10. Telecom and Internet Services

    in the event of an emergency, an audio file and a text message will be sent to each phone to alert ...