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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. The Zoo (Campus Pub)

    There are many events in the Zoo throughout the academic year. Check out the ULSU Event Calendar for ...

  2. Drama Clubs

    activities, performance events and more. TAS holds a membership drive every fall but interested students can ... Events Team Members Jessica Syratt TAS E-Mail ...

  3. Just so we are clear...

    provided to ULRASA members or to charge ULRASA members for any or all services in the event of a change in ... the University’s cost or licensing provisions. In either event, the University will provide 90 days’ ...

  4. Association of Political Science Students

    events, and discussion panels. We also strive to create and keep a long-standing and positive relationship ... ran a Model United Nations event for southern Alberta high school students. ...

  5. History Club

    of events from the popular ‘meet the profs’ night, to essay and exam prep workshops, as well as ... information on the History Club's events and activities, check out their  Facebook  page.  You can also ...


    Sciences and Technology fields by providing workshops, engagement opportunities and other events. The ... information and to see what events they have planned!   ...

  7. Blood Quantum (18A)

    movie. This event is hosted and sponsored by:  The Departments of English and Indigenous Studies, ... (Dean's Office), Indigenous Governance and Business Management (Dhillon School of Business). This event is ...

  8. Workshops

    events can be found on the  MyExperience  platform. Calendar of Events & Workshops on MyExperience ...

  9. Facilities

    Event Spaces:  Through Conference & Event Services, external groups can gain access to ... discuss your event. UHall Atrium Capacity: 500 People Seated  Atrium Price: $950.00 / Day Atrium & ...

  10. WCD&WP 2016

    your personal brand in the context of modern digital career profiling. The event is being organized by ... photograph for your online profile!   Schedule (all events held in the SU Ballroom):   8:45 AM – Introduction ...