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  1. 2006

    read by Wolf Holzmann, in memory of Jim Liu. 4141.2 International Week Several events are taking place ...

  2. 2009

    The event, also to raise money for U of C, was sold out and was a wonderful evening. 452.4.6 Calgary ...

  3. 2010

        The President thanked the Installation and Convocation Committees, for their work on those  two events ...

  4. 2011

    and an alumni event on and off-campus also, the Calgary alumni speaker series went well and there are ...

  5. February 2006

    read by Wolf Holzmann, in memory of Jim Liu. 4141.2 International Week Several events are taking place ...

  6. September 2011

    office hours, open monthly office luncheons, and interdisciplinary department events at Mike and ...

  7. December 2013

    Thank-you was given to J. Gallais for organizing this event. • Calgary Business Hall of Fame Dinner ...

  8. October 2014

    New Scholars, at an event in Quebec City in November.  University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College, ...

  9. October 2016

    Let There Be Light is the new Fall Alumni Event. M. Mahon strongly encouraged members to attend Fall ...

  10. April 2017

    event. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: gfc.2017.04.06 J. Nugent/Adkin That the GFC meeting #518 be adjourned. ...