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  1. Brain Canada | Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research

    2021 Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Research Salary Events Travel Health Faculty ...

  2. Heart Failue Research Network

    5 years External Tuesday, December 7, 2021 Tuesday, November 30, 2021 Research Salary Events Travel ...

  3. 2020 Brain Tumour Research Feature Grant- Glioblastoma

    through our publications and at events organized by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, for patients and ...

  4. Thesis/Project Examination Report

    immediately following the examination. In the event that a failed thesis/project defence represents the second ...

  5. Career Bridge Authorization Form

    students for the University of Lethbridge's programs, events and lectures.  Distribution will be made ...

  6. Indigenous Research Engagement

    Support for events should be sought through external funding opportunities; such as the CIHR Planning and ...

  7. SSHRC Exchange

    image fees); open access fees; policy briefs and reports; media events; summer schools/institutes; ... include the following: KM activities (e.g. conferences, workshops, events, forums, etc.) and products ... a confidential evaluation of the proposal. In reviewing the event’s budget the adjudication committee will ...

  8. International Students Strengths Finder

    conferences, speaker events, other educational and information sessions, and surveys. For questions on the ...

  9. Lecture Series Report for 2005-06

    was reorganized to make it more effective at coordinating speaker events across campus. The Committee ... advertisements April 4, 8, and 11; interview with Terry Gallie (event host) by Mark Campbell for Global TV; email ... to put on at least two major speaker events in the 2006-07 season. The speakers and times remain ...

  10. University of Lethbridge alumnus Manwar Khan to hold Anti-Bullying Rally for victims of bullying and violence

    established a series of anti-bullying rallies in 2013 and 2014, holding events in Edmonton, Calgary, ...  anti-­‐bullying  rallies  in  2013  and  2014,  holding  events  in   Edmonton,  Calgary,  Lethbridge  and ...