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  1. Search Supervisors

    programs, you must secure a supervisor * Master of Arts excluding Economics Master of Music Master of ...

  2. Academic Support- Individual Consultations

    Learning Strategies & Study Skills Support Learning in University is a lot different than ...

  3. Contact Us

    Jaime Takahashi Peer Learning Coordinator (study skills and tutoring programs) Office: AH148B ...

  4. The Magnetic Resonance (MR) Facitlity at the University of Lethbridge

    EPR spectrometer and is managed by Tony Montina. ...

  5. Graduate Programs in Health Services Management

    and business professionals who want to expand their skills in health-care management. The new programs ...

  6. Continue To Learn (Non-Credit Programming)

    gain the skills to further advance your career. Upgrade. Upskill. Update. Career Transition & ...

  7. Campuses

    to earn skills and credentials to advance their careers while they work full-time. Calgary Campus ...

  8. Individual Development Plans (IDP)

    articulate a person's skills and abilities. Completing an IDP allows you to identify areas in your skill ... Self-Assessment: determine needs and skills you are missing Self-Engagement: attend available workshops and ... activities Self-Mapping: document your transferable skills in your CV/Personal Portfolio To receive credit on ...

  9. Stavroula Malla

    Malla Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Economics Economics of innovation, ... economics of biotechnology and health foods, industrial organization, agriculture and health policy ...

  10. Kurt Klein

    Klein Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Economics Economics of agricultural production, ... policies, trade and technological improvements. Topics: Economics of water use in Alberta, Agricultural ...