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  1. Agricultural Studies Undergraduate Courses

    In addition to courses in biological sciences, economics, and geography among others, students are ... Modelling biological, economic, social and ecological components of agricultural systems. The quantitative ... methods of economic analysis of agricultural systems are introduced. Application of linear algebra and ...

  2. Foundations of New Media micro-credential to prepare students for film industry, digital media world

    They’ll also acquire foundational skills in visual design, web design, digital video storytelling and ... will acquire (or be taught) foundational skills in manipulating digital graphics and photography as ...

  3. Community Facilities Enhancement Program

    Overview CFEP funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, ... economic activity across the province CFEP has 2 funding streams: Small Funding Stream (May 15) Large ... that relates to their own leased space. Projects can include: building a new facility acquiring or ...

  4. Counselling Psychology (MEd)

    project or Capstone) to: understand and acquire communication skills in interpersonal and counselling ...

  5. Stay in Canada after Graduation

    manage immigration applications from  skilled workers with work experience in NOC 0, A, or B level jobs.  ... skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents. Federal Skilled ... Worker Program: For skilled workers with foreign work experience who want to immigrate to Canada ...

  6. Hokkai-Gakuen University

    arrangement) are much more than simple pursuits in skills. They embody spiritual ways seeking the traditional ... in Japan. The university has faculties in Humanities, Economics, Law, Business Administration, and ...

  7. Small Step, Giant Leap: The Power of Pay-It-Forward Assignments

    increased real-world relevance as they promote the development and practice of valuable skills.   Ten Ideas ... information effectively, enhancing their public speaking and presentation skills. Photo essay Students use ... skills. Learning activity: Students develop a new learning activity for a lesson, such as a quiz or ...

  8. Career Resources & Information

    analytical skills, along with a solid grasp of the essential topics for the informed citizen; ideologies, ... Winner, now a teacher in the Palliser School District, Alberta] Flexible Skills and the Reverse Funnel The ... Political Science major is like a reverse funnel. It provides diverse skills for today's ever-changing ...

  9. Audio Recording Lectures

    tribunals have ruled on the issue of audio recordings. Audio recording encourages independence, skill ... development and active learning.  Supported by recordings, students develop note taking skills and confidence. ... environment, there is less likelihood that we will find a skilled note taker. We are creating a vulnerability ...

  10. Testing for Evidence of Learning

    problems, form judgments, draw conclusions. Targets thought processes students need to do well. Skill ... Skill and Product Why? This is a Skill category because students will have to follow a process, but it ... not engage the student's critical thinking skills. The goal in identifying the different learning ...