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  1. 2003- February

    (Western Economic Diversification and Indian Affairs and Northern Development), and Clint Dunford, Minister ...

  2. 2003- December

    University of Calgary. From the most recent data available, looking at a socio-economic group in the bottom ...

  3. 2004- February

    February 26, 2004 page 2 initiative as himself, which enabled them to collaborate on Economic Development ...

  4. October 2007

    economic consequences that follow. Senior faculty will be hired and a location for the institute on campus ...

  5. February 2010

    representing the General Faculties Council. Dr. Le Roy is an Assistant Professor in the Economic Department. 5. ...

  6. May 2013

    a joint president to City Council with the President of Lethbridge College around economic development ...

  7. November 2016

    Secretariat o Andre Corbould, Deputy Minister, Environment and Parks o Jason Krips, Deputy Minister, Economic ...

  8. June 2017

    of a minor in Anthropology  Addition of a minor in Agricultural Economics Prior approval: Arts and ...

  9. June 2019

    Edmonton with: J. Krips, Deputy Minister of Economic Development; R. Skura, Deputy Minister Advanced ...

  10. 2020.Summer.EDUC.5638.Aakaomianistsipoka.Supporting.Appln.Found.Knowledge.FNMI

    economic, and political implications of: Treaties and agreements with First Nations with a localized focus ...