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  1. Senate Plan 2023- 2027

    celebrate and build the profile of the University. METRICS • Develop and implement skills and EDI matrices ...

  2. 2019.SUMMER.CAAP.6633.CO.DIXON

    skills and growing counselling competencies as ethical counsellors with the mindset to grow in ... leadership, interpersonal and critical thinking skills for effective intervention application. Essentially, ... of this learning style is to develop students’ leadership, interpersonal and team-building skills ...

  3. BOG Nov 2008

    Lethbridge trip to Edmonton to speak with government. The Economic Development Office here in Lethbridge, ...

  4. 2001

    Dean of Arts and Science and a member of the Department of Economics to General Faculties Council. ...

  5. 2007

    long-term challenges of the demographic economic and social issues related to change in world population ...

  6. 2004- May

    has impacted both the locally and nationally. Ed Fetting of Economic Development Lethbridge has been ...

  7. February 2006

    minister. Oryssia Lennie, Deputy Minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, has offered assurance ...

  8. May 2012

     Alberta Economic Development Authority (AEDA) – M. Mahon has been a member the last year and now is part ...

  9. February 2013

    boards of Economic Development Lethbridge and the Chamber of Commerce on January 30, which included ...

  10. October 2013

    had an Economic Development strategy session on promoting Lethbridge, the Deputy Premier and Minister ...