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  1. Improving brain's executive function is child's play

    negotiating relationships, all the skills that are important in a classroom. In rats, monkeys and human boys, ...  all  the  skills  that  are  important  in  a  classroom.       In  rats,  monkeys  and  human  boys, ...

  2. Media opportunities during the Mapping the Landscapes of Childhood II conference

    interventions, arts mentorship and life skills. Youth will be telling their own stories through a dramatic ...  mentorship  and  life  skills.  Youth  will  be  telling   their  own  stories  through  a  dramatic ...

  3. Nursing instructor redesigning resource kits to help teachers deliver tobacco prevention education to kids

    facts and figures to address strategies such as building resiliency skills and recognizing negative peer ... skills and recognizing negative peer pressure). “The intent is to provide children with information prior ...

  4. U of L welcomes new and continuing students to campus

    Thanksgiving weekend and a session on study skills is offered before midterm exams. “NSO sets students up, both ... homesickness is offered after the Thanksgiving weekend and a session on study skills is offered before midterm ...

  5. Diane Shanks to receive Friend of Health Sciences Award for 2016

    enhance her nursing skills and possibly provide opportunities for her nursing career in the future, she ...

  6. 5th Annual Spooky Science Weekend at the University of Lethbridge

    grow their skills in science communication, thereby strengthening the connection between the University ... particular in high schools, and provides graduate students with the opportunity to grow their skills in ...

  7. Chemotherapy research program earns Anna Kovalchuk esteemed Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

    them with the skills they need to join a strong middle class.” “It’s a very prestigious scholarships ... while equipping them with the skills they need to join a strong middle class.” “It’s a very prestigious ...

  8. U of L scientists to be featured on The Nature of Things

    complex problem-solving skills of these highly social animals.” Pellis has analyzed vervet monkey play ... understand,” says Eisen. “She provides real insight into the complex problem-solving skills of these highly ...

  9. Destination Exploration and City of Lethbridge welcome Lethbridge School District girls to first All Girls STEM Day

    works. During the lunch break, everyone will learn some new circuit-building skills and build their own ...

  10. University of Lethbridge announces Board of Governors Research Chairs

    play to be co-opted as a tool to sharpen social skills. To view online: ...