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  1. 2SLGBTQ+ Health Hub Community, Professional, and Academic Trainee Application

    synchronous learning and skill development, provides a suite of multi-modal training, engagement, and ...

  2. Postdoctoral Fellow with Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN)

    required. Excellent written and verbal communication skills; an ability to multitask and function ... independently; good decision making and leadership qualities; strong networking and outreach skills; effective ... community relation skills; and a strong desire to advance public health knowledge in Ohio and Kentucky are ...

  3. Music Special Admission Requirements

    and communication skills, interest in music and teaching, and readiness for a teaching career. The ... interviewer(s) to assess the student’s communication and interpersonal skills as well as the candidate’s ... Purpose: To assess the candidate’s musicianship, interpersonal and communication skills, and general ...

  4. Public Health

    hands-on experience, the public health major at uLethbridge will provide you with the skills and tools ... students who have already completed an approved diploma with the education and skills to succeed in the ... (Public Health)/Bachelor of Management program is designed to provide you with the skills and training ...

  5. MyExperience Experience Request Form

    with skill development (i.e., fits into the broader vision of the MET project) Three key points: what ... Research, Creativity & Innovation Work-Integrated Learning Competencies Competencies, skills, or ... Tasks Active Observations Preparing, Communicating & Defending Arguments Study Skills & Time ...

  6. Dr. Glenda Bonifacio

    covers so many disciplines – politics, economics, science, philosophy, etc. — as gleaned from the ...

  7. The Honourable Anne McLellan Visits the Prentice Institute (March 18, 2011)

    Council for Economic Strategy where she provides "guidance on actions the Alberta government can take ...

  8. U of L sociologist looks at Muslims in Canada in light of terrorist attacks by Muslim converts

    of poverty. “If things do not move on the economic side, then it can create the same kind of ...

  9. Dr. John P. Ziker, Boise State University

    Demography; Evolutionary Theory; Economic Anthropology; Palaeolithic; Indigenous People; Evolutionary Game ...

  10. Julie Young

    to shed light on the uneven geographic and socio-economic impacts of Canada’s policies, and to ...