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  1. Women in Capital Markets Mentorship Program

    Associate etc. Skill building for success Networking- building and maintaining a network; the etiquette of ...

  2. Indigenous Studies (MA)

    be highly motivated, able to work independently, and have excellent writing skills. Please note that ...

  3. Political Science (MA)

    motivated, able to work independently, and have excellent writing skills. Please note that the Department of ...

  4. GoVenture demo

    leadership skills — watch demo video. The KPMG Case Competition will be using this gamified simulation ...

  5. Gift provides tuition awards for oral history summer institute

    just starting their first project or seeking to enhance their skills,” says Adams. “Anyone who is ... knowledge and skill.” Other recipients of the awards include Denim First Rider (a community participant), ... oral history, whether they are just starting their first project or seeking to enhance their skills ...

  6. Academic Integrity Infographic

    workshops for students that focus on developing study skills for online classes. This could be an excellent ...

  7. Brain Canada | Platform Support Grants

    High-impact research in the neurosciences has always required skill, imagination, determination, ...

  8. Deanna Oye

    the UofL, which gives undergraduate pianists and guitarists the opportunity to develop skills of ...

  9. The latest weapon against Alzheimer’s disease could be as simple as touch

    improvements in cognition, motor skills and anxiety behaviours and, at six months of age, the degree of plaque ... deficits in cognition, anxiety and motor skills. “We found that tactile stimulation significantly improved ...

  10. Book Information Session/Booth Form

    offering a professional development workshop to enhance skills, the Career Bridge center will promote and ... streamline the recruitment process by providing talented individuals the opportunity to showcase their skills ... enhance skills, the Career Bridge center will promote and advertise to current students and alumni. ...