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  1. MEd Counselling Psychology 2022 Cohort Schedule

    Skills EDUC 5705 Counselling Psychology: Theory EDUC 5712 Counselling Psychology: Research Methods EDUC ...

  2. University of Lethbridge expands eligibility for Early Start Experience course

    (Social Science List), meet other students, learn skills needed for studies at a university level and find ... its various disciplines, students tour campus, take workshops on study skills, use the library for ...

  3. Scotiabank gift to support Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership

    policy and public service. Students across the network will develop the transdisciplinary skill set ... mentors and recognized experts. These programs aim to develop students' critical thinking skills so ... transdisciplinary skill set necessary for responsible governance and informed engagement on social and political ...

  4. APST Job Posting Template

    experience in___. Skills: How to Apply: Interested applicants should send resume and cover letter directly ...

  5. Inclusive Education Specialization

    knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and teach students with diverse learning needs, ...

  6. Inclusive Education Specialization

    knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and teach students with diverse learning needs, ...

  7. Marketing (MSc (Mgt))

    pursue careers where research skills and scholarly knowledge are valued (i.e. consultant, analyst, ...

  8. Accounting (MSc (Mgt))

    studies or to pursue careers where research skills and scholarly knowledge are valued. i.e. consultant or ...

  9. Human Resource Management and Labour Relations (MSc (Mgt))

    research skills and scholarly knowledge are valued. i.e. consultant or analyst.  Career pathways for ...

  10. Aboriginal Health

    social justice issue that can only be addressed by people who are creative, skilled, culturally ... children, youth, adults, elders, families and communities. Develop transferable and portable skills and ... Aboriginal Health, you will carry transferable and portable workplace skills and knowledge to work within ...