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  1. Anthropology   Skills Careful Record-Keeping  Communication (Oral & Written)  Cross-Cultural Understanding  ... skills that are critical to succeeding in teaching, research, advocacy, business, policy analysis ... Forecasting/Projecting Results  Foreign Language Proficiency  Intellectual Ability   Investigative Skills  Logical ...

  2. General Science

    education, you will also be required to take classes outside your major. This allows you to develop skills ...     Skills Active Learner Attention to Detail Awareness & Observation Communication Critical & ... a springboard for other educational pursuits, and your transferable skills and experience can prepare you to ...

  3. Biochemistry

    classes in September. Skills acquired | In addition to developing exceptional written and oral ... Faculty of Arts & Science Bachelor of Science ... develop a strong background in the basic sciences and extensive laboratory skills, while emphasizing the ...

  4. Computer Science & Geographical Information Science

    term before starting classes in September. Skills acquired | In addition to developing exceptional ... written and oral communication skills in this program, you’ll also develop strong critical and analytical ... thinking skills, advanced information acquisition and management skills, as well as precise attention to ...

  5. Women and Gender Studies

    students have completed a summer work term before starting classes in September. ​ Skills acquired | By ... Faculty of Arts & Science ... you will also develop strong critical, analytical and “big picture” thinking skills. Participating in ...

  6. Urban and Regional Studies

    the physical, social, economic, and political factors that shape our cities. It looks at the role of ... to provide a solid foundation in the study and analysis of the physical, social, economic, and ... Program Planning Guides Skills Awareness of the Importance of Social, Historical & Cultural Context ...

  7. Academic Support

    campus community. THRIVE Professional Skills Program This program provides free, optional opportunities ... personal, and professional skills. Participation in the THRIVE program helps you to find success and develop ... skills in your program. Workshops, events, and activities are available throughout the year. Accessible ...

  8. Canadian Studies

    experience such as history, economics, geography, government and politics, sociology, literature, and ... Guides Skills Ability to Collect, Question, Synthesize & Apply Data/Information  Ability to Conduct ... Communication  Organizational  Problem Solving  Understanding of Canadian History, Language, Economics ...

  9. Biological Sciences   ...

  10. Neuroscience

    Bachelor of Science Program Planning Guides Skills Critical Thinking Designing Experiments & Conducting ... Data Inform & Explain Ideas Interpersonal Skills Interpret & Explain Scientific Research ... Laboratory Skills Ability to Meet Deadlines Oral & Written Communication Skills   Organizational Skills ...