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  1. Ebel, Bernd

    Department of Economics 1942 to 2000 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have ... Germany in 1967 and Bernd immigrated to Canada where he completed his Ph.D. in Economics at the U of A. ...

  2. Advisory- U of L to announce funding for new green polymer technologies

    Thursday, September 27, 2018 Media are invited to attend an event announcing Western Economic ... polymer technologies Media are invited to attend an event announcing Western Economic Diversification ...

  3. U of L partnership with Flexahopper, WD, leads to new Green Polymer and Technology Centre

    Friday, September 28, 2018 The University of Lethbridge, in collaboration with Western Economic ... Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for Western Economic Diversification ... local level and beyond and leads to opportunities for economic growth and a more sustainable future. The ...

  4. University of Lethbridge highlights for the week of March 11 to 17

    devoted her career to education and economic development for Indigenous communities. Her presentation on ... Prentice Institute Boardroom, Library Dr. Richard Mueller, a professor of economics and Prentice Institute ... Research Fellow, looks at the economic returns of literacy and numeracy for immigrants to Canada. ...

  5. Ecosystem Development Partnership (EDP) Program

    following priority areas*: Health Innovation projects aim to strengthen economic competitiveness and enhance ... to our province. Clean Energy projects focus on boosting economic growth and decarbonization in ...

  6. Alberta Gambling Research Institute

    of stigma VI. Socio-economics/Economics Candidates may concurrently hold other major external awards ...

  7. Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship (AI-GSS)

    catalyst for sustainable jobs, economic and community strength, improved health and environmental benefits. ... the results of your research can/will produce potential environmental, health, economic, social and/or ...

  8. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2011-2012 to 2013- 2014

    economic, or fiscal implications of which the Board is aware. Robert Turner Chair, Board of Governors The ... of practical challenges of direct importance for social, cultural, economic, or environmental ... skills, creativity, and powers of critical inquiry for the improvement of regional and global communities. ...

  9. Annual Report to Alberta Advanced Education 2012-2013

    established pursuant to the Government Accountability Act. All material economic, environmental, or fiscal ... challenges of direct importance for social, cultural, economic, or environmental well-being. The University ... used to acquire capital assets, and is recognized as revenue over the life of the asset consistent with ...

  10. HSR Application Exemplar 1

    important for several reasons: 1) mathematical skills are essential for all individuals to obtain ... deserve a larger knowledge base of effective interventions to build mathematical skills. Effective ... emotional economic Other (specify) * 8b. Provide details to your answer below and describe how you will ...